Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Do not mistake …
my tears for weakness,
I may cry when I’m overwhelmed, but I am strong
My smile for happiness or my straight face for lack thereof
I may smile when I’m uncomfortable, or when filled with love
My needing you for selfishness
I may allow myself to need you, but I know my worth
My willingness to put you first for selflessness
I pick you because you bring me joy, but I can change my mind if necessary
My high tolerance for being a doormat
My tolerance level is equal to the amount of love and caring I feel from you
My loving you above all else for being a pushover
I love you as much as you love me, and if there is imbalance, I can reevaluate
My choosing you above all for lack of choices
I CHOOSE you because you make me feel important too
My silence for anger or unhappiness
I quietly reflect all I feel, the good and the bad
My eagerness to give all of me for foolishness
I see more than you know, and feel more than I show

Give all, but be all, to deserve love is to have earned love
Welcome it, cherish it, but most of all, nurture it
And never ever be neglectful of